Given the humid climate on the British Isles, I have never understood why our so open Lotus and Seven were invented there. On the other hand, a little moisture from above will not harm the car or the passengers. After all, the good Lord built ourselves waterproof.

At this year’s Sevenerlei we certainly had the appropriate British weather for our British cars. It was quite wet all Sunday. Nevertheless, around 25 participants found their way to the Sevenerlei with their Seven and Lotus. Interestingly, there were more open-top Sevens than fixed-roof Lotuses. Respect!
The atmosphere was brilliant. Each new arrival was greeted with joy by those already present. As at the first meeting, the team from Gasthaus Wildpark again served us special English dishes such as fish and chips or club sandwiches. Really very tasty.

Before I waste more words here, just look at the pictures from the meeting. A thank you to Gerhard from the Fototreff in Schwenningen who took photos tirelessly the entire time.

That leads me straight to some news for the next meeting. Jens is working on a website (this one) for Sevenerlei. There you can view many more photos, get up-to-date information and of course register for the next Sevenerlei. There will also be a contingent of rooms in a hotel with a parking garage in Schwenningen for anyone who has to travel further and would like to stay overnight. For the overnight guests, I’m offering a visit to the Irish pub in Schwenningen on Saturday evening. The pub is just a few minutes walk from the hotel.
You will be able to read all of these news on the website from the end of the year.
Thanks to everyone who found their way to Sevenerlei. Without you the meeting wouldn’t be a meeting! Many thanks also to Bianca and her team at the Wildpark. After all, she had opened her restaurant especially for us during her vacation!
I’m looking forward to see you all and many more again at the 3rd Sevenerlei on August 25th in Schwenningen! Then hopefully in continental weather with pleasant temperatures and sunshine.
Thomas Krausche